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Tag: WMA
80th Anniversary Message
Celebrating 80 years since the USMC Women Reserves 13 Feb 2380 years ago, the slogan “Free a Marine to Fight” drew 19,000 women to the USMC Women Reserves during World War II. Today we are approximately 18,000 strong. We have moved from performing mainly clerical positions to filling combat infantry MOS slots worldwide. Every generation…
Meet Kassie Diaz
WMA LIFE MEMBER An Interview with Kassie Marie DiazBy Alyssa Diaz Known as the first, and only, female to operate unmanned aircraft as an external pilot for the United States Marine Corps and the United States Army, Kassie Diaz also qualified as a Pioneer UAV1 External Pilot in 2002. Additionally, she served as a Corporal…
2022 – 2024 National Board
The new WMA National Board WMA presents the slate of officers for the 2022-2024 WMA National Board. The WMA National Bylaws dictates no ballot was necessary. Article Eight, Section 3. Ballots: “An election ballot shall be published only for the office(s) which have received more than one nominee.” The Nominating Committee conducted due diligence…
Soldiers’ Angels
The Women Marines Association is proud to partner with Soldiers’ Angels in taking care of our military members and veterans. Soldiers’ Angels is a national nonprofit headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, founded in 2003 by the family of General George Patton. Through its global network of thousands of volunteers,they fulfill its mission of providing aid,…
Who Are the Victims of Your Bad Habits
Who Are the Victims of Your Bad Habits? By ANGIE MORGAN of LEADSTAR What are your bad habits? Come on … you know you’ve got them. To explore further, take a look at the list below: Too impatientTalks over othersBlames others for personal failuresToo quick to judgePassive aggressive when angryCan’t control your temperNot prepared for…
Greetings and Salutations
FROM THE WMA NATIONAL PRESIDENT May 2020 Marines, As we continue to deal with the CDC guidelines of social distancing during the COVID pandemic, I hope that you are all finding ways to reach out to your families as well as your fellow Marine Sisters. Be assured that WMA National continues to act on your…
PFC Brooke L. Jalbert
Molly Marine Awardee Essay Essay by PFC Brooke L. Jalbert PRIVATE FIRST CLASS BROOKE L. JALBERT PLATOON 4028 I was born and raised in Kansas City. My parents raised me and older sister to be confident and independent. We were given the freedom to make our own life decisions. Growing up, my sister was and…
PFC Audrey Huntshorse
Molly Marine Award Recognition Essay Essay by PFC Huntsman “Recruit Huntshorse report to Senior Drill Instructor SSgt Chavez as ordered.” Hearing my name echoed down the squad bay was nothing too out of the ordinary, when I reported in to learn that I had been chosen as platoon 4029’s Molly Marine, was astonishing. I was…
WMA Chapter Clippings
WMA Arizona and California Chapter Clippings AZ-1 Arizona Roadrunner On February 11, 2016, Bettie (Pruden) Lerdall made a special visit to Southern California to spend time with Beatrice Ruth “BJ” (Zimmerman) Strong, her bunk mate from recruiting training in 1943. Their friendship, forged during their initial Marine Corps training, has lasted more than 70…
PFC JordonM.Guevara
Molly Marine Platoon 4019 Private First Class Jordon M. Guevara Just one act of kindness can spread like wildfire. To be a Molly Marine is to be the one who will set the example for all other Marines to follow. To show that, that one small act of kindness can really go a long…
PFC Jaxineflor M. Orotea
Molly Marine Platoon 4018 Private First Class Jaxineflor M. Orotea A Molly Marine to me is someone who motivates other people through her hard work and commitment. She is someone who gives everything she can even though it hurts and it is hard. She never gives up easily. She is also someone who accepts her…