President Truman with women in military


During World War II, the US called on women to become an even larger part of the Marine Corps. In February 1948, the Marine Corps Women’s Reserve was established. On June 12 in the same year, Congress passed the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act and made women a permanent part of the regular Marine Corps. Since then, women Marines have continually enlisted and transformed Marine Corps history through vast achievements, recognition of valor and honor, and immeasurable accomplishments that showcase their boundless influence.


Molly Marine Statue

Molly Marine Award

The Molly Marine Award was established in 1969 and given by WMA in the name of Molly Marine. The recipient of this award best exemplifies the Esprit de Corps (Marine Purpose) and ideal of excellence which is the hallmark of all Marines. Candidates are chosen by peers in each graduating platoon.

To find out more about Esprit de Corps, click here.

Read our blog on the history of the Molly Marine Award.

JROTC award

Marine Corps Junior ROTC/MCJROTC Award

The awards are presented annually to the outstanding JROTC cadet in each JROTC unit nationwide and is chosen by the Senior Marine Instructor (SIM). Whenever possible, a member of WMA volunteers presents this award to the selected cadet(s).

To get more info on Marine Corps MCJROTC, click here to visit their website.

WMA National Service Award

WMA National Service Awards

The NSA is WMA’s highest award presented to individuals who have significantly contributed to the national objectives and who have gone above and beyond extolling Marine Corps Values and WMA purposes. A maximum of three NSA awards are presented at each Biennial Convention.

National Service Awardees

• Capt Charles J. Covert, USN (Ret)
• Harriet (Mrs. Harry J.) Creighton
• Fredine (Mrs. Orville) Haynie
• Don Smith

• Richard W. Broe
• Harry Creighton
• Anna “Meg”
• Dawes Emma
• Holmes

• Florence L. Blanchard
• Ruth H. Broe
• Theresa “Sue” Souza

1978 – 1980
• Virginia Allred
• Southern California
• LEGGS (Charles Todd, Chairman)

• MGySgt Barbara A. Reva, USMC

1980 – 1982
• Helen Hannah Campbell
• Marjorie Miller

1982 – 1984
• Ruth H. Broe (posthumously)
• Mable Otten
• Marie Proulx
• Nita Bob Warner

1984 – 1986
• Olga Bullock
• Florida Gulf Coast Chapter FL-2
• Barbara Pullman, Loyal Escorts

1986 – 1988
• Dorothy Munroe
• Eileen Scanlon
• Lady Marine Rose Chapter (OR1)

• NY Metropolitan Chapter (NY2) Mary G. Knapp
• Nina Fontella Ninas
• Marjorie Bondy Hancock

• Eleanor L. Judge
• Virginia Allred

1992 – 1994

1994 – 1996
• Theresa “Sue” Souza
• Helen H. Laukes

1996 – 1998
• Doris Keane
• Arla O. Young
• Mary Bacon Hale

1998 – 2000
• Mary A. Sabourin
• Dorothy Durkin

2000 – 2002
• Sondra Metzger

2002 – 2004
• Sarah Thornton
• Mary Ann Merritt

2004 – 2006
• Mary Ann Merritt
• Wendy Woodward

2006 – 2008
• Lillian Cross
• John Holvoet – Loyal Escorts

2008 – 2010
• Carol Mutter
• Patricia Martin
• Nancy Wilt

2010 – 2012
• Kathleen Wright
• Mary Ellen Stone

• Barbara Chagnon
• Valerie Breidenbaugh
• Motor City Chapter (MI-2)

2014 – 2016
• Rhonda Amtower
• Erin Holvoet
• Linda Priest

2016 – 2018
• Jacquline Caputo
• Adrianne McLarahmore
• Rosy Marcelino-Macias

2018 – 2020
• Mary Ellen Stone
• Michael E. Pearce
• Dorothy Stover-Kendrick

Ruth and Dick Broe Award

This is the highest overall outstanding WMA Chapter achievement award and is presented to the chapter who has is recognized for their many contributions, dedication, and unselfish service in fostering the growth and development of WMA. This is WMA most prestigious chapter recognition named in honor of Ruth Broe, WMA Past National President and her husband, Dick who was the founding President of Loyal Escorts of the Green Garter. Selection is based on submitted entries in the Chapter Achievement Categories. This award is presented at the closing banquet ceremony.


WMA presents awards to chapters based on submitted entries. A panel of judges determine the winners based on the criteria listed in the R&A guidelines. WMA Chapter Achievements Awards are evaluated on a chapters’ activity defined by the WMA Purposes. Chapters are required to submit entries in the specific categories and are presented with streamers for their chapter flags. These categories include:

The Chapter Achievement

The Chapter History Book Award

Given to the most comprehensive history book developed by a chapter.

The Newsletter Award

Given to the chapter with a newsletter that keeps their members informed about local and national activities and communications.

The Website Award

Given to chapter with the most creative and informational web presence that informs current members and recruits new members by showing the activities of the local chapter.

Recruiting Awards

• Individual Award: Given to the individual who recruits the most members during the contest period.

• Chapter Awards: Given to the chapter that recruits more members during the contest period.

• Loyal Escorts Award: Given to the chapter that recruits the newest members during the contest period.


The Julia Hamblet Award is named in honor of Colonel Hamblet who twice served as Director of Women Marines. This award is funded by the Lotus Mort Fund, under the management of the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation in coordination with WMA. First presented in 2006, the following WMA members have won this prestigious award for actively preserving the history of the women in the Corps.

  • 2006 Margaret Brewer
  • 2007 Eleanor Wilson
  • 2008 Mary Bacon Hale
  • 2009 Sue Sousa
  • 2010 Nancy Wilt
  • 2014 Dr. Peter Soderbergh
  • 2016 Ms. Sara Sheldon
  • 2018 Sgt Casey Shea Craven
  • 2021 MSgt Laura Dennis USMCR, awarded posthumously
  • 2022 CWO4 Rosa Osborn, USMC (Ret)

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