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911 Remembrance: Igniting the Spirit of Unity
My fellow Marines,
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the attacks upon this great Country we all have served honorably. It was a terrible day in our most recent history. As the other infamous dates in our history we will once again stop and remember. We will mourn for those innocent lives lost. 3,063 that lost their lives on Tuesday Sept, 11, 2001. The thousands PLUS that are still falling either from illnesses developed from cleaning up the devastation that was left in one of our greatest cities, the devastation at OUR Pentagon, the devastation left on a field in Pennsylvania. Civilian heroes, Military heroes, First Responder heroes. It wasn’t just ONE group attacked, it was ALL of US.
10 years have passed. 10 years. I certainly remember the exact spot I was standing when the first Tower was hit. I’m sure all of you have your stories too. I also remember Wednesday September 12, 2001 and the days after. It was a time where we as American’s brought forth our BEST. It was a time when WE were WE. WE were a total PEOPLE, brought together as American’s to help our fellow American, to rally around our Country and our way of life. 10 years have passed. In those 10 years that unity has faded a little. Now is the time to renew that unity.
The very SMALL chapter of Battle Born NV-1 has been a very BIG force in the organization of 911 Remembrance Las Vegas. An organization that was founded by a fellow Marine and a 9/11 Survivor. Battle Born members took on the monumental task of heading the committee to put on a 9.11K Run / 1 Mile Walk. A competitive run. Let me tell you…none of us on the committee has ever put together a running event. Of the Battle Born members on the committee only 2 of us are runners and we’ve participated in different races from 5K’s to full marathons, we’ve never actually put one together. But that has not stopped us…why? Because we are MARINES. We have been given a mission. We will do what we do best: ACCOMPLISH THE MISSION.
Once again I extend an invitation to ALL CHAPTERS AND MEMBERS OF WMA to participate WITH US. What a GREAT PUBLICITY OPPORTUNITY FOR WMA if we had a show of FORCE of WMA members all wearing our green covers, our chapter shirts all working together. This isn’t just a Battle Born project, this is a WMA project. This is us showing the world once again that Women Marines step up with honor. We need volunteers, we need participants.
On Sunday September 11, 2011 at 0546 Pacific time, (the exact moment the first plane hit in New York), we will be having a Processional. This isn’t a “parade”, but a Processional. Entries in this are Military, First Responders. I personally registered an entry for WMA. How great would it be to have as many CHAPTERS and MEMBERS marching with us to honor our country on that day. Bring your flags, your banners. I AM PERSONALLY OFFERING TO ANY WMA MEMBERS WHO WISH TO PARTICIPATE A PLACE TO STAY IN MY HOME. I have LOTS of room and can house a bunch. I have 4 couches for people to crash on. I know that other members of Battle Born would also be willing to assist in accommodating our sisters who are coming to participate in this historic event.
Contact me for any questions. You may also go to for information about the events themselves.
God Bless and Semper Fidelis!
Rosie Gregorec
Co-Chair 9.11K Run / 1 Mile Walk
911 Remembrance Las Vegas
Treasurer, WMA Battle Born NV-1 Chapter
Secretary/Treasurer WMiB NAT-1 Chapter
Life Member WMA
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