Molly Marine

 Platoon 4010

Private First Class Anne T. Kramer

Molly marine Platoon 4010 PFC Anne T. Kramer
Molly Marine
Platoon 4010
PFC Anne T. Kramer

I have learned many lessons throughout recruit training but the most important is to never take anything for granted. Every day is a blessing and I try to live each day giving all that I can give. I am very honored to be named Molly Marine by my peers and hope to continue to lead by example.

A Molly Marine is someone who demonstrates courage and unselfishness. I am lucky to have my sisters to push me to be the best I can be. It is very humbling to know that my sisters see me as a leader who motivates them. At first, my platoon struggled with such strong personalities but our diversity made us a special group.

A Molly Marine never gives up and stays in the fight with an optimistic attitude. I believe a Molly Marine is a team player. It is not about personal gain but the gained strength and confidence of the platoon. My platoon is my family and we shared this amazing journey to living the life as a United States Marine.

The title “Marine” carries such a heavy identity to who we will each become. The immense pride, selflessness, and work ethic Marines d us push ourselves harder to be a part of this elite force. It is overwhelming how special and precious life is and we have the opportunity to be the ones that protect it.

When my Senior Drill Instructor instructed that we would vote on one individual who displayed selflessness and teamwork to be the Molly Marine. I wrote many of my peers’ names down unable to choose just one. I looked around the squadbay at a group of strong-minded women all deserving of this honor. It means the world to me to be seen as a positive role model to those I care the most about.



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