The city of New Orleans dedicated the first United States monument of a woman in service uniform: “Molly Marine” on 10Nov, 1943. A local recruiter commissioned the statue to help recruit women during World War II. For female Marines around the world, Molly has come to represent the countless significant contributions women have made to the Corps. She proudly stands for endurance, the book she holds records our history, the binoculars allow her to see into the future and she looks up steadfast facing all that comes her way. Molly has become a symbol of Esprit de Corps for all women Marines. Before graduation from boot camp, the recruits are asked to name one fellow recruit within their platoon who best exemplifies being a Marine. Here, we celebrate our newest Marines
PFC Rebecca L. Kelly
N Co, Plt 4016
21 May 2014
Only a few earn the title Molly Marine. Receiving this title is an honor and a privilege. A Molly Marine possesses many outstanding qualities such as discipline, integrity, responsibility, and determination. She always conducts herself in a professional manner and prides herself on her leadership abilities. Molly Marine is a very rewarding position to hold. Anyone can become a Molly Marine, but very few get the chance to achieve such an honorary title.
A Molly Marine represents the epitome of selflessness and concern for others. She puts herself last in all that she does; sacrifice is a word that she lives by. Choosing to help others above oneself is second nature to a Molly Marine. Being an individual of such high caliber is a choice for some, but for a few it is a lifestyle.
To be a Molly Marine encompasses countless great characteristics. Some of these include mentorship, mediation, positive mental attitude, trust worthiness, strength, wisdom, and leadership. She is observant, alert, receptive, and is a good listener. She always operates in a proactive manner.
Molly Marines conduct themselves in an unselfish and respectful fashion every day and in every way. They strive to influence integrity, team work, and dedication amongst their peers. A Molly Marine will always lead by example, share knowledge, and look for ways to be a better person, better leader, and a better Marine. Ensuring the wellbeing of her peers is of the upmost importance to her. Everyday a Molly Marine lives to improve herself, maintain a high standard, and exceed expectations.
The title of Molly Marine is earned, and recipients are individuals of great character. Helping others in need is the primary focus of a Molly Marine. Selflessness is her best attribute.