CANCELLATION of the 2020 WMA Convention and Professional Development Symposium

After due consideration of the current pandemic situation, the decision has been made to CANCEL the 2020 WMA Convention and Professional Development Symposium scheduled 3 – 7 September 2020 IN OMAHA NEBRASKA.

This decision is based on the COVID-19 pandemic due to concerns for the health and welfare of our membership along with the unspecific travel restrictions.
COVID-19 Pandemic’s highest risk category is those 65 years plus or
with health issues. The core age demographic of our Association is
between the ages of 50-75 years.
Restricted Travel for Military Personnel
This would include our keynote speakers and active duty members with an
unclear period for lifting these restrictions.

We can still keep the spirit of “Bringing your Oohrah” to Omaha alive. We may be alone at home but we are together in heart and spirit. We are currently working on plans to create ways that we can enjoy “virtually shared experiences” while we focus on the basic theme of the Convention, the 60 th Anniversary of WMA. As these plans develop, we will keep you informed.

Watch our Facebook pages and messages sent to our members for updates.
WMA 2020 OohRah to Omaha!


Respectfully and Semper Fidelis,
Jenifer Nothelfer,
2020 Co-Chair Area 7 Director

Penny Hardiman,
2020 Co-Chair NE-1 President


6 responses to “WMA 2020 Convention Cancellation”

  1. Betty Cannon Avatar
    Betty Cannon

    I’m so sorry to hear they are cancelling the convention. I was looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones. Better safe than sorry. Semperfi. Stay safe and well

  2. Karen L. Reeves Avatar
    Karen L. Reeves

    Often times the right decision is the hardest one to make. These definitely are hard times and your decision is the right one. I believe it will be much better to miss seeing friends at one convention rather than perhaps never seeing them again. We are strong….we know how to improvise, adapt, and overcome.

  3. […] health risk and travel restrictions the pandemic poses to our members, we made the decision to cancel the 2020 Biennial Convention in Omaha.  A decision not taken lightly, but one that best supports the welfare of our members and our […]

  4. Veronica Waterman Avatar
    Veronica Waterman

    Semper Fi Sister’s, I am a past WMA member and was looking forward to meeting you… But “we live to fight another day”

  5. I’m so sad to hear this was canceled. I was so looking forward to coming in memory and honor of my aunt, Grace Carle. Please keep me updated on the next one so I can attend it in her memory.

  6. Lillian E. Cross Avatar
    Lillian E. Cross

    I’m so sorry this was cancelled but it was the correct decision. We can now look forward to convention in Las Vegas and all the anticipation that will bring. Let’s look forward to that and all the good times it will bring. Viva Las Vegas!

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