A Message From the WMA National President


In these uncertain times, we understand the angst and worry many of our members and their families are going through.  Here in Virginia, my husband and I have self-quarantined at home and fortunately, we are not symptomatic and are firm in our belief that we will come through this just fine.  We do realize this can be a stressful time and wanted to reach out to everyone in hopes that you are staying well in the face of the current COVID19 outbreak. 

As of this writing, more than 20 states have “shelter in place” restrictions for residents. Please head those warnings and practice social distancing, washing of hands and awareness of what is going on in your state and community.  For the most current and up to date information we urge you to visit the CDC website.  We have seen so many items that have false information. Before you post items be sure they are correct. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html

We urge chapters to continue to meet using social media, free conferencing programs and other avenues to keep in touch with others.  Mary Merritt, our National Public Relations Officer will send all chapters, links and directions to help communicate with their members.  We urge all Area Directors to reach out the in the same manner to our Members at Large especially to our older members and let them know that they are thought of. 

I would like to remind you that WMA is also here to help. If you have financial issues due to this pandemic, we can try to assist.  The WMA Matching Funds & Grants program is available for all veterans with proper documentation of financial need.  Find more information on the WMA website or through MFG@womenmarines.org.  We are here for you.

We are all in this together and as Marines, we know how to adjust, adapt and overcome and to “take care of our own”.   So let us all work together to take care of our families, our Sister Marines and ourselves.

Semper Fidelis,

Rhonda Amtower

WMA National President President@womenmarines.org



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