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WMA Member of the Week
Bettie Glassey Life Member WA-3
Bettie Glassey was nominated by Peggy Reiber. Reiber states: I would like to nominate Bettie Glassey, WA-3 President as our member of the week. She has been a life member of WMA and has served as President for WA-3 for over 10 years. In addition to all she does for the chapter; calling on members, sending out updates, visiting homebound, she also was a regular volunteer at the Mt. Vernon VA Clinic.
She attends WMA Nation conventions and was the WA-3 flag bearer.
Bettie is now retired and keeps busy as her HOA Board maintenance contact, in addition to all she does for WA-3.
Bettie Frances (Mihok) Glassey
I joined the Marine Corps in 1962 shortly after I graduated high school. My first airplane ride took me from San Francisco to Paris Island for Boot Camp. My role model was my Aunt Bettie Lerdall. My first duty station was the Air War College at Quantico. I have too many good experiences to share in this short space but find me at Convention in Las Vagas and I will be happy to share. My next posting was Headquarters Marine Corps Henderson Hall. There I worked at the Marine Corps Security Guard School, which I also enjoyed, learned a great deal and worked with an amazing group of men. During the summer I worked for MWR as a lifeguard and taught swimming to Marines and Dependents from all branches of the service. I had a set of Dress Blues and volunteered for parties etc. at the Pentagon and CIA to name a few. I also worked at the MC Correspondence School in downtown DC, which is where I was the day Kennedy was shot and yes, I attended the funeral in my dress blues and not 20 feet from the burial. My final and favorite duty station was Independent Duty at Bethesda Naval Hospital. It was a great privilege to spend all my time helping the short staff of nurses and corpsmen caring for the wounded coming home from Viet Nam. I also had the great privilege of meeting and spending time reading to, writing letters and getting to know General Vandegrift, who was in the hospital for cataract surgery. I left the Marine Corps in 1966, at that time women were not allowed to marry or have children. My one regret after all these years as I reflect back is that I did not stay or join the reserves. I believe that it was only a few years later when some of the rules were changed.
I was living in Wisconsin when Convention was held in Minneapolis. My Aunt invited me to come to the Convention for a few days and I was hooked. I joined shortly thereafter as a life member. I also joined the Wisconsin WMA group but I was working at Lands End and lived on the other side of the state so was never able to attend any of the meetings. I was thrilled when I moved to Washington and found a newly formed Chapter of WMA. I joined and, after a period of time learning from some amazing women (Betty Strand turns 93 today, January 25) I was happy to help where I could. Betty, Honey Langdon and Virginia Wright were a few of the ladies who worked so hard to get our North Sound Chapter started. We are a small group but hope to continue expanding. Covid has put a damper on our meetings. We were able to meet once last year and have a meeting scheduled for February. We have tried a Zoom meeting but many of our members do not have the capability for that. We are, however, hopeful for a better future in 2022.
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