WMA TX-7 Takes the Lead

By Heather J. Broderson

Filling a need at Camp Hope

I spent some time today shopping for and delivering to the nearly 60 residents at Camp Hope. They are all combat veterans in interim housing, dealing with PTSD related issues.

Photo courtesy of Heather Broderson

The TX7 Chapter of the Women Marines Association had provided a full BBQ meal and served it to these gentlemen some months ago. It was such a positive event, we voted to do it quarterly and since COVID19 threw a wrench in that plan, the Women Marines adapted, improvised and overcame the situation. We have our funds set aside for the quarterly meal, but since all giving is way down and Camp Hope relies on donations, we decided it was best to try to spread the cheer out in weekly deliveries as long as our funds can last. We have received a few private donations through word of mouth that will help us with this project. We are very thankful to those who’ve offered their help and welcome any donations.

Today, we were able to provide 60 lbs of potatoes, 12 gallons of milk, 18 dozen eggs, 18 lbs of tomatoes, 18 loaves of bread, 12 boxes of cereal, 12 lbs of bananas, 6 boxes of brownies, cooking oil, onions and cucumbers. I will be making the next delivery, next week- most likely Tuesday. These men live in 6 bays, each with a community kitchen and living room. These items were divided in 6 equal deliveries, which is why all the numbers are divisible by six! I spent a little over four hours today, hopefully making a difference to 60 of our combat veterans. There is no better way to spend my time.

If you’d like to donate, you can do it through our chapter website:
Scroll down on the page and you’ll come to the donation button. You can use PayPal or a credit/debit card.
Please add a note with your info to tell us your donation is for Camp Hope! – There’s a spot on the payment page to do so. We are so excited to have the help to ensure we can keep going with this. Camp Hope is very thankful too!

If you have questions or want to sent in a donation please contact us TX7@womenmarines.org

Thank you!!

TX-7 Opha May Johnson Women Marines Association meet in the Houston TX area. Please contact them at TX7@womenmarines for more information. Find them on FB at https://www.facebook.com/TX7WomenMarines/