Women Marines Association CA-3 San Francisco Bay Area

CA-3 – Greater San Francisco Bay Area

Greetings from the Greater San Francisco Bay Area. In January, CA-3 celebrated the New Year at a meeting hosted by CA-3 members Susan Johnston and Nell Marie Forsey. At the meeting hosted by CA-3 Vice President and Treasurer Kathy Wright in February, we celebrated the Anniversary of the Women Marines Reserves with the traditional cake cutting ceremony. The oldest Marine present, Zita Cussary, passed the traditional first piece of birthday cake to the youngest Marine present, Angelina Miller.

In March at the meeting hosted by CA-3 member Barbara Naas and Loyal Escort Sarah Rivera, we celebrated St Patrick’s Day with everyone wearing green. During this time period, CA-3 member Lynn Giadrone and Loyal Escort Paul Giadrone showed their continued support of veterans by attending meetings in support of building a new VA facility in the San Joaquin Valley – a project eagerly anticipated by the multitude of veterans in the area. They have been attending these meetings since 2005!

Loyal Escort Donald Johnston attended the Vietnam Moving Wall Fundraising Breakfast, an event to help pay the expenses to bring the Vietnam Moving Wall to Stockton. All veterans were invited and enjoyed a complimentary breakfast as part of the program.

CA-3 President Susan Johnston participated in one funeral/memorial service as a member of the combined American Legion/Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Guard.

Written by: Susan Johnston

CA-3 GREATER SAN FRANCISCO BAY              chapter email: ca3@womenmarines.org         
  On FB or the web https://wmaca3.org/


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