Area 2 Growing and Organizing

Chapters that are forming and reorganizing

The spirit of the Marine Corps has been rekindled in many female Marines as they are forming chapters across the globe.

In the last two years we have seen more growth and excited that we are sure can be contributed to the 100th year of women serving in the military. The 30th WMA Convention and Professional Symposium saw many chapters chartered.

We also have many chapters that are forming up as well. If you check out the WMA Chapter Map and don’t see a chapter near you ask about starting one up in your area.

Area 2 consists of DE, DC, MD, NJ, PA, VA, WVA and Africa

Area 2 Director
JoEllen Schumacher

Under the direction of JoEllen LaFrance Schumacher We have the following chapters now forming.

Red Circles denotes established chapters while the purple triangles are our forming chapters.

Erie PA area Hampton Rds VA Area Lynchburg, VA Area Marines

Chapters that are formed but need to be rekindled. If you are in the area and interested contact JoEllen and she will work with you.

NJ-3 DEVIL DOGS is open for anyone in NJ willing to restart this chapter.

WV-1 WEST VIRGINIA MARTCOTO located in the Charleston WV area.

Those without pages please contact JoEllen

Under reorganization in the Scranton PA area.

Under reorganization in the York/Harrisburg area

Area 2 Active chapters are

PA-4 Steel City Marines

PA-4 Steel City Marines Pittsburgh PA area

PA-2 Tun Tavern Marines

PA-2 Tun Tavern Marines Philadelphia PA area
Chapter email

MD-2 Montezuma Reds

MD-2 Montezuma Reds

DC-1 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA      In the Washington DC area.                          Email:

VA-1 CROSSROADS In the Stafford VA area
chapter email:


One response to “Women Marines Association is Growing”

  1. Jo Ann Wheatley Avatar
    Jo Ann Wheatley

    Address for SgtMaj Carle’s address for cards?

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