Women Marines going to Denver

WMA Spotlight

WMA 26th Biennial Convention

More Details

Recognition and Awards

Area Directors are the points of contact for awards information. Should they have questions that are not answered by this edition of ‘Nouncements, the WMA Bylaws, the WMA SOP, or the How to Book, they should contact R & A Chairman, Deniese Elosh.

There are five categories of awards: Newsletter Competition, History Book, Website, Recruiting Award and Chapter Achievement Projects. There is a separate grand prize award (for “overall outstanding Chapter achievement”) called the Ruth & Dick Broe Award. The Newsletter, History and Website award receives a perpetual plaque held until the next convention when it will be exchanged for an individually inscribed award plaque. The Recruiting award is a monetary award along with a chapter streamer in appropriate categories.

All chapters, large and small are strongly encouraged to enter the competition. DEADLINE for all awards entries: Postmarked on or before July 16, 2010

Mail all entries to: Deniese Elosh, Chairman, Recognition & Awards

1015 Toulouse Street, Belton, MO 64012

Enclose a self-addressed stamped postcard to be returned as a receipt.

Convention Program Ads

Ads will be accepted in BLACK & WHITE, camera ready hard copy, on disc or CD and electroni­cally. Electronic ads must be sent to: ConventionAds@womenmarines.org .   Please be sure your check payable to WMA-CO-1-2010 is enclosed or in the case of electronic ads, sent separately. Page size is 8 1/2″ X 11″, with half-inch margins on each side. All ads must be postmarked by 15 July 2010 to enable time to do the layout and printing of the Program Booklet. Mail with your check to: WMA-CO-1-2010, (memo “Convention Program”) to: Paula Sarlls, 3066 South Granby St., Aurora, CO 80014-3833 303-766-9023,  email: ConventionAds@womenmarines.org

If ad copy is submitted in its original form and is not submitted via email or disc, please submit an additional $10.00 for scanning fee.

Marine Corps Association and WMA Sponsor an Essay Contest


                The Marine Corps Association, in coordination with the Women Marines Association (WMA) is looking for military personnel – active duty, retired, Reserve or veterans – and civilians employed by the Department of Defense to enter an educa­tional essay contest.

                 The subject must pertain to women in the Marine Corps, and the article should be no longer than 2,000 words. Sub­mission constitutes the author’s permission to publish; however, there is no commitment that the winning article will be pub­lished.

                 First prize is $500; a Life membership in WMA or a Life membership in the Loyal Escorts of the Green Garter (WMA Auxiliary), if appropriate and a one year membership with MCA. Second Prize is $250; a 2 year membership in WMA or a two year membership in the Loyal Escorts of the Green Garter (WMA Auxiliary), if appropriate, and a one year membership with MCA.

                 Entries must be received no later than July 15, 2010. E-mail entries to w.ford@mca-marines.org , or mail them to WMA Essay Contest, Leatherneck Magazine, P. O. Box 1775, Quantico, Va., 22134 Atten: Col Ford. Mailed entries must be in CD/DVD format in MS Word.

                 WMA will announce the winners in conjunction with the 26th Biennial National Convention and Professional Develop­ment Conference to be held in Denver, Colorado, Sept 3 -7. To learn more about WMA visit wmastg.wpengine.com

Getting Ready for Denver

Denver is a fantastic city to visit. Come a day early or stay an extra night and take advantage of the majestic views. Be sure to check out these sites to see what I in store for you!

Denver Colorado Tourist & Vacation Information | VISIT DENVER
Denver Colorado’s travel & tourism visitors information bureau. Find city guides , planning resources for vacations & help for tourists.  http://www.denver.org/

Denver, CO Vacations, Tourism, Guides, Hotels, Things to Do …
Denver, CO vacations: Find the best Denver hotels, attractions, maps, pictures, weather, airport information, travel ad­vice and more on Yahoo! Travel

Denver Travel Guide – Denver Interactive Map – iGuide
Interactive guide to
Denver with a full-screen map, videos, and photos. Information on Denver sights, flights, hotels, and more.

Misc News

 Veterans’ Medallion Available for Order – Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki announced today that the Department of Vet­erans Affairs is offering bronze medallions to attach to existing, privately purchased headstones or markers, signifying a deceased’s status as a Veteran.

Virtual Experience Launches
The Marine Corps Heritage Foundation officially launched the National Museum of the Marine Corps Virtual Experience on June 23, al­lowing Marines and civilians from across the world to experience a cutting-edge web version of the real NMMC located in Quantico, Vir­ginia. With in-depth, special educational features on exhibits, galleries and artifacts as well as Museum docents sharing their stories of Marine Corps history, the Virtual Experience brings the NMMC straight into homes and classrooms…view full article               Virtual Ex­perience Launches
The Marine Corps Heritage Foundation officially launched the National Museum of the Marine Corps Virtual Experience on June 23, al­lowing Marines and civilians from across the world to experience a cutting-edge web version of the real NMMC located in Quantico, Vir­ginia. With in-depth, special educational features on exhibits, galleries and artifacts as well as Museum docents sharing their stories of Marine Corps history, the Virtual Experience brings the NMMC straight into homes and classrooms…
view full article